Dr Catherine Zollman
MBBS, MRCP, MRCGP, Fellow in Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona
Dr Zollman trained in Medical Oncology before becoming an NHS GP. She is also Medical Director of the cancer support charity Penny Brohn UK, based in Bristol. Alongside her clinical work she has worked as Medical Director of the Research Council for Complementary Medicine, where she co-authored the BMJ Series and Book “An ABC of Complementary Medicine”, as GP Postgraduate Educator with the Severn Deanery, as a Lecturer with the University of Bristol, and as a Macmillan GP Clinical Lead shaping cancer services for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG. She was a Trustee of the British Holistic Medical Association and is currently a Fellow and Council Member of the College of Medicine. She is a member of the Clinical Practice Committee of the international Society of Integrative Oncology.